Well, I wasn’t doing too bad….

Now, it has become a train wreck, over 2 weeks since my last post. In my defense, it is December, I am a procrastinator and have ALL kinds of projects to be finished before next Saturday.

So things I have gotten done this month include, finishing chocolate making, made 5 decorator storage boxes, have 3 more done except for attaching buttons. Completed the four corner blocks (16 pieces each) heart blocks plus row with name for the baby quilt that I will be working on after I have all my Christmas projects done. Finished a fabric doll house with many, many little bitty pieces. Did an online class on quilt repair (my next time sucking activity) that might actually bring in a few dollars.

Oh, and my mom’s other caregiver came down with Covid over Thanksgiving, so my 5 Xs a week out there to do meds is at least 7 times a week, hopefully to resume normal schedule soon.

Currently, I am working on two 48X60 minky blankets, hemming a gown for my mom and when I finish those and get the buttons on the 3 fabric storage boxes, my only other prep for Christmas day is wrapping (oh, still need to go to the bookstore and pick up a couple of books for the youngest grands). Have a pitch in on Tuesday that will require me making a side (hash brown casserole). If I can get all that done by Wednesday or so, I may have one down day before heading to our son’s house on Friday evening (about a half hour away) so he and the two youngest grands can open their gifts. Oh, and the tree still isn’t up!

Ho, Ho, Ho……..it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas morning will see 4 out of 5 families (plus possibly my mom) coming to the house to open gift cards and cash cards and eat cinnamon rolls and orange danish (thank you Pillsbury). Hopefully, everyone will be gone before lunch time (as I have no plans to feed anyone beyond Pillsbury that day except me and John).

So, if I don’t get back here until after the 25th(ish)—-Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Holidays, whatever it is you celebrate. Until the next time, Keep Calm, Keep Praying, and Keep Quilting.

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